Happy Thanksgiving

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Happy Thanksgiving

On behalf of the Pastoral Staff, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  We have much to be thankful.  Your faithfulness is reflected in your goodness, kindness, and generous spirit that is so obviously shared with one another in this parish family.  The number of people who volunteer for our different events and ministries is outstanding.  We could not be such a dynamic parish without your willingness to be part of it all.

Your response to our Stewardship program this year is but one example.  A critical part of that program is the understanding that stewardship means we all own a piece of this parish, so we are all responsible for its success.  It is very clear that so many of you not only know that but live it out so plainly.  Thank you!

We pray that you, your family, and friends, have a wonderful celebration on Thursday as we all put aside that day to specifically thank God for our blessings.

Next weekend is the Solemnity of Christ the King.  It is the last Sunday in our Liturgical Calendar.  As in the past, the Finance Council and I will take advantage of the end of that year to share with you our annual report.  We will not be mailing it to you this year but inserting it into next week’s bulletin.  With just a bit of a “spoiler alert” we once again had a wonderful year.  For that, again, I say thank you.

 I hope we enjoy a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.

May God bless you with Peace and All Good! 

Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



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