Update and Mass Cards

Fr. Francis Di Spigno, OFM,

Letter from the Pastor
Fourth Sunday of Easter Sunday
April 21, 2024

In my letter on April 7th, I promised to give you an update on the structural issues in St. Francis Church after the Facilities Committee met.

The committee discussed the issues as presented to us by KSI Professional Engineers.  Again, the preliminary report told us that the beam under the doors between the lobby of the church and the nave is “compromised’ and they suggested that we err on the side of caution and close off the balcony as well as the last three pews.  There is a similar issue with the beam under the back end of the church hall.  They indicated that the risk of anything happening is minimal.  They did offer us a “temporary fix” if we needed to use the balcony and pews immediately.  Since the final report is due to us within the week, the committee thought it best to review the entire scope of the report in order to create a plan that will address the issue with the beams as well as any other issues that may also need to be addressed. 

Thank you for your patience, especially to those who enjoy the balcony and the last few rows of the church.  It is my hope that the repairs to the beams will be completed before Memorial Day Weekend.  We shall see…

I also have an announcement for you!  Since Amazon has revolutionized how we shop we thought that we would bring a bit of that convenience to those who would like a Mass Card. 

We can talk to a friend on the other side of the world, buy our groceries, and listen to our favorite music [all at the same time, if you are so inclined] on what we call a “phone.”  Very soon we will be able to use our “phone” or computer to request a Mass intention at St. Francis Parish as well.  We realize that not everyone is able to come to the parish office during the regular work week so we thought we could make requesting a prayer intention a bit more accessible.

We are working out the final details to make sure the process is as smooth as possible, but it should be up and running on our parish website very shortly.    Look for the announcement in an upcoming bulletin.  Of course, we welcome you to continue to come to the parish office to pick up a Mass Card.  It’s always good to see a real person.  If online access, however, is more helpful for you, that option will be available soon.

Click the button to request a mass card

At the moment, you have the option to request three types of cards online: The Perpetual, The Annual Membership, and The Get Well Prayer card. We're actively developing the Intention Mass, and we'll notify you as soon as it's ready to launch.

A continued Easter Blessing on you and your families.
Peace and All Good.

Fr. Francis J. Di Spigno, OFM



And That Was the Good News!


He is Risen!  He is Risen, Indeed!