Eucharistic Ministers


Since the mid-1980’s, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish has invited individuals to participate in the Mass as Eucharistic Ministers. Eucharistic Ministers are called to this service not for the efficiency of shortening the time required for the distribution of the Eucharist but to preserve the spiritual association between the Eucharistic Prayer and the distribution of the consecrated Body and Blood of Christ.

EMs are volunteers committed to serving God’s people and entering into a deeper intimacy with Christ present in the Eucharist by serving in this way. They serve with humility and a sense of awe appropriate to the privilege of sharing the Body and Blood of Christ with brothers and sisters in our community

St. Francis welcomes any member of the parish to participate in this special ministry. Because we offer Masses at four churches in the summer, there are many opportunities for women and men who feel called to this ministry. In the summer months, we need over 100 ministers each weekend. New volunteers are trained and welcomed to the team of ministers who together serve with great faith and reverence for the Holy Eucharist. Training and refresher sessions are offered individually on request and as a group once or twice each year.

 Those who participate in this ministry are asked a few times each year to complete a schedule indicating their availability for a particular Mass at a particular location. The Eucharistic minister coordinators develop the assignments accordingly and distribute the completed schedules for all four churches by e-mail and hard copies available in the designated box by the sacristy in the Brant Beach church.

Get Involved

To be part of this ministry, please contact us below:

or Call the Music and Liturgy Office at: 609-494-8813 ext. 159

Reflecting the Beauty, Faith, and Love of Our Parishioners and Community